Worship Analytics 2011

Last year I posted on our worship analytics for 2010.  Since I have two full years of data, I can see where the changes were in 2011.

Top Ten Songs:

Our God (Myrin/Redman/Reeves/Tomlin) 9 plays
Hosanna (Fraser) 8 plays
All Around (Coffield/Houghton/Lindsey) 7 plays
Blessed Be Your Name (Redman/Redman) 7 plays
Happy Day (Cantelon/Hughes) 7 plays
Mighty to Save (Fielding/Morgan) 7 plays
Again I Say Rejoice (Houghton/Lindsey) 6 plays
Freedom (Bushard) 6 plays
Glory to God Forever (Fee/Beeching) 6 plays
Trading My Sorrows (Evans) 6 plays

Only three of these songs (Happy Day, Glory to God Forever, Freedom) were in the top group for 2010, so there has been a lot of change.  Dropping off the top ten was History Maker, All Because of Jesus, God of Wonders, Revelation Song, Rescue, O Praise Him, Healer, and Came to My Rescue.  Our God not only is a new song, but was the most often sung song this year.

New songs for 2011:

Our God
All Around
Greatly to Be Praised (Kim)
Majesty (Garrard/Smith)
Christ is Risen (Fieldes/Maher)
Moving Forward (Houghton/Sanchez)
Every Move I Make (Ruis)
Big House (Blair/Heardman/McGuinness/Stuart)
Hosanna (Praise is Rising) (Baloche/Brown)
I Give Myself Away (Hinn/McDowell)
O The Blood (Miller/Miller)
One Single Drop of Blood (Beach)
Saved by Grace (Houghton/Johnson/Lindsey)
Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone) (Excell/Reese/Newton/Giglio/Tomlin)
Everlasting God (Brown)

We also reintroduced some hymns that we haven't done in a while, such as Blessed Assurance and  Great is Thy Faithfulness.   We got to almost all of the songs we were planning on adding from last year's list, plus a bunch more.   The only thing we're really pushing so far for 2012 is Daniel Bashta's "Like a Lion" which we have begun working on.

All in all there were 111 songs, which is more than last year, and we added more songs than we added in 2010.  Altogether a pretty good year.


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