Here We Go Again

We're start tonight, for the second time.

As you (hopefully) read last week, we have to restart our recording project. This past weekend, with all our special events at Gospel Light, we got a lot of encouragement from a lot of people. So tonight we jump back into it with both feet, a get the ball rolling again.

We've talked about some things, and think we can make this "second take" better than the first. Here are some ideas:

  • Tighten up some of the arrangements.
  • Change some of the chord voicings.
  • Longer sessions = more productivity.
  • Be more prepared for each session
  • Pray more.

I'm pretty excited. And of course, I'm taking everyone along for the ride!

**Edit: I found out late morning that we will not be able to record tonight. Apparently there are still some software licensing issues that have not been resolved. I'll keep you updated.**


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