Name Dropping

This is seriously ridiculous.

According to Charisma Magazine, a couple, Mark and Sara Neill, has filed suit agains a company called Bullseye Collection Agency for harassment. It seems that Bullseye puts on each of its collection letters the initials "WWJD," a seemingly obvious reference to the phrase "What would Jesus do?" The implication is clear: if you don't pay your bills, your a sinner.

Bullseye, in retribution, has counter sued the Neills, claiming - get this - religious harassment. Seems Bullseye feels they can use "the phrase as a reminder to act respectfully in an industry known for its ruthlessness." according to their own attorney.

Really? According to Bullseye's website, the acronym WWJD stands for "What Would John Do?" a reference to the way the firm's owner, John, handles accounts. Which is it, boys? Religious freedom or business acumen?

I'm pretty sure that Jesus is not too thrilled with his good Name being bandied about so. If both of these parties are so "Christian," then they've already committed an epic failure: In 1Cor 6, Paul tells the church at Corinth "The very fact that you have lawsuits among you means you have been completely defeated already." Oh, you're burnt!

People love dropping the Name of Jesus when it suits their purposes: when they can hide behind it, wave it like a flag, or even when they stub their toe. To me, this is akin to a small child running around with a locked and loaded bazooka - he has no sense at all of the tremendous power he wields. The name of Jesus has the power to do all things; it should not be the prize in a ridiculous and frivolous lawsuit over an $88 debt.

BTW, it seems the that Mark Neill is president of another collection agency. Curiouser and Curiouser...


  1. One of the really great things about living in a post Christian society is that few will make claims like this or live with a veneer of Christian respectability while being unsaved inside. I find the whole Christian society thing disturbing when that society is blatantly not Christian, even if a substantial portion pay that faith more than lip service. The upside is that a lot of Godly principles seem to have remained (like generosity and welcome) even if they're habit and custom rather than acts of faith on the whole. Such is my take on things anyway.

    I suppose that if I ever joined the 'perfect' Christian society then it's days would be numbered in small digits.


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