Are You A Child

Last night my wife and I were speaking about one of the children in our ministry. The young man in question does not have a father in his life, or at least one who wants to be part of his life. As a result, he is raised by committee, so to speak, a committee of his mother, grandmother, and several aunts. The mother feels under great pressure to provide in this circumstance, to provide both the mother and father figures in the boy’s life. Because of this pressure, she is often stressed, and angry. The boy also has anger, stemming from rejection issues. This is a generational curse that will continue to grow unless it is stopped.

We’ve spent quite a bit of time with this child recently. We were discussing how he’s changed in a seemingly short amount of time, when shown some love and respect. Not that his mother and other’s don’t love him – far from it. But without the pressure of being in her shoes, we are able to give him a more balanced and gentle experience. And so, he comes out of his shell, smiles, participates and is generally happy.

So anyway, we were talking about this the other night, while watching TV, our six-year-old laying in the bed, snuggled between us. My wife mentioned that the boy really needs a man in his life, as the mother is struggling to be both father and mother. I suggested having the mother get along one of the other mothers in the church, who had raised three wonderful children without a man in the house. This woman had done this by living the simple truth that God is father to the fatherless.

No sooner had I said this, when my six year old turned to my wife and said “Right, when a kid has no father, the God will take care of them and be their father?”

Out of the mouth of babes, hmmm?

I don’t recall ever having that particular conversation with her, but perhaps she’s heard some of the words to the songs I always play in the car. Like “I Am Not Forgotten” which says God is a “father to the fatherless,” or “So Come” which says “…and a father to the child that’s left alone.” She can sing many of these songs by heart already.

Or perhaps it was in a Sunday school class, or a VBS. Maybe it was one of those little papers she hands me on Sunday, carefully colored in the lines, with pictures of Jesus, or David, or another Bible character. Or one of the verses carefully written on a popsicle stick. Either way, that notion had buried itself in her little brain, ready to pop out when needed. “Your Word I have hidden in my heart…” Psalm 119:11

Children are sponges. You be amazed what they absorb, even when you don’t think they are paying attention. Maybe that’s why Christ admonished us “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven” Mt 18:1

Are you a child?


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