Sunday Setlist - February 13
You probably know (or at least I hope you do) that I didn't post a worship recap last week. Last weekend was my wife's birthday, and we went away for a quiet weekend. I recommend that every married couple do that from time to time.
It seemed odd not being in church on a Sunday, but today made up for it. We had great services at both churches this morning. Our bishop was visiting at Gospel Light, which is always a pleasure, and always encouraging to hear him speak.
Todays setlists at GLCC:
God of Wonders (Byrd/Hindalong)(G)
Main Set:
Happy Day (Hughes/Cantelon)(C)
You Are Good (Houghton)(G)
Our God (Tomlin/Reeves/Myrin/Redman)(B)
Healer (Guglielmucci)(B)
Let it Rise (Davis)(E)
Kudos to sound - things were sounding good today. "Happy Day" is such a great song to start a service. I love the energy of that song, along with the message. We played the bridge of "Our God" right into the chorus of "Healer," which sound weird, but worked really well.
"Let it Rise" is a great Holland Davis tune that we haven't done in awhile. We did an extended outro to it, based around a E-F#m-A-B progression.
We also led at Lighthouse Fellowship Church today. Our set there was:
Happy Day (Hughes/Cantelon)(C)
Let it Rise (Davis)(E)
God of Wonders (Byrd/Hindalong)
Power of Your Love (Bullock)(G)
Yeah, you read that right. We got all Maranatha at the end there.
Check out other setlists at The Worship Community.
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