Sunday Setlist - February 20

Sometimes, all you can do is sit back and watch God take over.  That was what today was like.   Rehearsal got out of the gate a little rough, but by the time we were done, things were moving along.  We had all kinds of monitor issues; it seemed someone had gotten to the board and messed up all the settings for some reason, so it took us awhile to get it all right again.  

We usually pray together after rehearsal.  Today was really an awesome time of prayer, and then some spontaneous, private worship as a team.   I became aware of people standing in the sanctuary doorway as we stood in a circle in front of the altar, singing together, and I hope it was a good example.

As for the set, here it goes:


Great is Thy Faithfulness (Chisolm)(E)

Main Set:

Your Name High (Houston)(A)
Freedom (Bushard)(B)
Hungry (Scott)(C)
Hosanna (Fraser)(E)


Saved By Grace (Houghton/Lindsey/Johnson)(Bb)

In a word, it was off the hook.  Daniel seemed so uncomfortable in rehearsal singing "Your Name High," but in service he seemed right at home.  By "Freedom" we had a group of people who had come up to the front and were just completely letting go, dancing, shouting, raising hands.   We threw in unplanned solos, guitar then piano, as well, and extended the song long enough to give Eddie James a run for his money.

"Saved by Grace" is a song we've been working on for a couple of weeks.  It seemed to go over pretty well, and I look forward to getting more comfortable with it.

How was your Sunday?  Check out others at The Worship Community. 


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