Sunday Setlist - September 12

Wow, what a great day today at Gospel Light Community Church and Lighthouse Fellowship Church.  We really had a couple of great, touching services today.   Let's start with the GLCC setlist:

Opening Song:

God of Wonders (Byrd/Hindalong)(G)

Main Set:

Glory to God Forever (Beeching/Fee)(Bb)
History Maker (Smith)(G)
Breathe (Barnett)(G)
You Are My All in All (Jernigan)(G)


Ancient of Days (Harvill/Sadler)(D)

Lot of old stuff on this list.  Except for "Glory to God..." we could have put this list together ten years ago. And  that's OK.  We do a lot of really up-to-date stuff, and it's nice to let the congregation catch their breath with songs that have been around awhile, and that most of them know well.  

We had rehearsed "Glory to God..." in B, but when we started I had my capo in Bb.  I the vocalists hit the key I was playing without a miss, and I think they actually sang it better that way.  Well have to keep it in mind for the next time.

"Breathe."  Wow, we haven't played this song in easily three years.  It was awsome!  We did it as an acoustic number, with Daniel playing string pad in the verses, kicking into piano in the chorus.  But what was great was the reaction of the congregation.  They were really taking the song to heart, really letting go with it.  It's the kind of song that really makes you want to pour your heart out.

"Breathe" goes great with "You Are My All in All."  The progressions are almost the same, and they flow very nicely together.  "...All in All" is a congregational favorite from long before I started attending there.  We like to do this counter-melody thing the second time through the song, where the men sing the verse and the women sing the chorus and vice-versa.  (They're both played the same)

Here's what we did at LHFC:

God of Wonders
Ancient of Days 
You Are My All in All

Check out some other service recaps at The Worship Community, and comment on yours!


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