Sunday Setlist - June 28th

Here is this week's worship service recap from Gospel Light Community Church.


Shout to the Lord (Zschech)(A)

Main Set:

Trading My Sorrows (Evans)(G)
Your Grace is Enough (Maher)(G)
Cover the Earth (Houghton/Cruse-Ratcliff/Houghton)(D)
How Great is Our God (Tomlin/Reeves/Cash)(F)
Only By Grace (Gustafson)(C)


O Praise Him (All This for a King)(Crowder)(Bb)

Obviously, ther's something missing here. Those who read this blog regularly will ask "Where's the Hillsong tune?" Well, we didn't have one! So there!

It was "More Acoustic Than Usual" day for me. The first four songs of the main set are all songs I do on acoustic, and my right arm was getting a workout! We won't even talk about the condition of my right pinky after fretting the E string four songs in a row. Piano players have it easy!

This time of year tends to get a little challenging regarding scheduling and filling spots. We're down a couple of vocalists due to summer schedules, but we have two new singers who've been rehearsing with us. Hopefully they will be starting soon. We were also short Danny, who was preaching at a different church as part of his college ministry, So Elyano stepped in to play bass.

We also began - for the first time this year - to work on some new music. I'll post separately on our process and how we've included the congregation, but it's time to make some changes to the song list. Yesterday at rehearsal we worked on "All Because of Jesus" by Fee. Aquim was all over the song on drums, and I had spent some time with my effects chain to get the tone and delays right. The multi-delay on the Echo Park pedal did the trick well, and our vocalists did a great job with the song - even though we were playing it in the original key of C. (I had also prepped to do it in A.) Expect to see that song in a setlist soon.

So how did your service go? Check out some others at Fred McKinnon's blog.


  1. Hang on - isn't Darlene Zesch from Hillsongs?

    FWIW I know 3 out of 7 (Shout to the Lord, How great is our God and Only by grace: if that's the old one). I'd be happy playing any of those, although I'd have said Shout to the Lord was a fairly high energy electric song - lots of big overdriven rhythm guitar potential there in the chorus, sparkly picked arpeggios in the verse.

    Variety is a good thing.

  2. I've done it that way as well. And I like doing it that way!! In fact, that's just how we did it... clean arpeggios in the verses, OD in the chorus.

    And it IS a Hillsong tune!! The streak is intact!! :)

  3. I was gonna say ... just cos you went old school Hillsong, doesn't mean you didn't Hillsong.

    Phew...that means I don't have to report you and have you arrested after all.

    Unrelated really, but feel compelled to mention my phone has the intro of the remixed O Praise Him as my SMS alert tone. Kthxbai (and God's richest blessings for you)

  4. We are in that same place of needing to make changes to our master song list! I'm getting ready to add several new songs to our rotation in August.


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