In the Studio - Take 14

I've been tied up with some things this weekend, including a minor medical emergency (no, not me, and everyone's alright) so I never got to post after our studio session Thrusday. So here goes...

After last week's restart of our recording project, we were eager to continue momentum on the album. The goal: drums and bass, as much as possible. If you recall, we had a challenge getting the beats down for "One Way." I'm not sure why, but that song continues to kick our collective butts. Like the last time, though, we pushed through. Elyano kept working at it, and finally we got the track down.

Danny was along as well, and was recording bass with Elyano. This is one of those situations where you realize the difference between playing live and recording. All the little licks and riffs and fills we do playing live have to go out the window; studio recording is really an exercize in simplicity and thoughtfully approaching music. It's a challenge playing a stripped down bassline, especually when there is no other melody instruments to take up sonic space.

We wound up re-recording electric and bass together. Danny and I locked in with Elyano's drum work, and it all went well.

If "One Way" dominated us, we took it out on "He Reigns." One take and out - it was perfect. Of course, we still need to add keys and more acoustic to it, but the core of that song is done as well.

Next week, we're having our Back to School Revivals at Gospel Light, so there will be no studio time. We'll all be playing at the church on Thursday night. But the following week, we'll be back at it hard.

Stay tuned...


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