More Blogs

In light of yesterday's post on the web-enabled church, or as many have called it, the "Church 2.0," I thought I'd tell you about a couple more noteworthy blogs.

- Paul Walker's Church 2.0 which talks about exactly what I was talkign about.

- Roy Donkin's Thin Places. Roy and I don't always see eye-to-eye, but I always listen to what he has to say. Especially someone who plays guitar!

- Worship Together Blog is a great resource for - you guessed it - worship! New songs, upcoming concerts, new music.
Jeremy Killian's Milestone Worship has great insights into worship a well, especially from a musician's point of view.

Not a blog, but somewhere that I highly recommend that any worship leader or musician spend time at is CCLITV. Great instructional videos, and new music from well-known artists, as well as from in the churches.

Know any others? Comment about it.


  1. Thanks so much for the shout out. I'm glad milestoneworship has been a good resource for you!


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