Role of the Worship Leader - Part 1

Many many things have been said and written regarding the role of a worship leader. So why not throw my hat into the ring, right?

Seriously, though, there are a great many misconceptions about what it means to lead worship in a congregational setting. As for worship itself, I spoke about that last month in another post. But the role of a worship leader goes beyond simply worshipping.

Let me start by defining the term: by worship leader I do not simply mean the guy who is in charge of the worship team, the lead singer, the Minister of Music or the Worship Pastor. I mean anyone - anyone - who helps to foster and bring a spirit and attitude of worship in a congregational setting. Yes, the aformentioned ministers, of course, but also the backup singers, the choir, the musicians, the sound team, the media team... They are all worship leaders.

I do not really like the term lead worshipper as much as some people. While I believe that the first task of a worship leader is to worship, this term has always given me the connotation of "Come follow me wherever I go. Keep up if you can!" The job of the worship leader is as much to be aware of where the congregation is as where he or she is themself. The job of the worship team or choir is to provide a place where people can safely meet with God. The music of the worship is a weapon, a shield. Under its protection, people can feel free to see God face to face, to lower their own defenses, to commune with their Maker. When worship is in the air, we are all standing on Holy Ground.

Some people think that worship is about "performing." Well, in a sense it is. We "perform" worship, don't we?" And it is true that as musicians, we enjoy what we do. But does that detract from the act of worship? Is all service meant to be done in misery? Does it mean nothing if there is no pain in it? Hogwash! There is nothing wrong with finding joy in service to God. I think I might have read that somewhere...

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. Galatians

I'll have more later....


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