Gesundheit, Thomas Nelson

I've been a member of the Thomas Nelson Publishers "Book Review Blogger" program for a while now.  It's a great program, and one that deserves recognition.  Basically, the way it works is that bloggers can sign up and request a review copy of select Thomas Nelson titles, provided they agree to blog about it, and post a review on a major consumer site.  Win-win all around.  In fact, I posted my latest review yesterday. 

When I logged on to submit my review, I found something interesting.  The book review program has now been rebranded as BookSneeze


Apparently the title comes from Seth Godin's book Unleasing the Idea VirusThe idea, according to CEO Michael Hyatt, is that a "sneezer" is "the term he uses to refer to those individuals who get so infected with an idea that they become contagious. They spread it to everyone they now.(sic)"

For now, Hyatt is seemingly taking a "wait-and-see" approach to the new title.  I will say this: at least Thomas Nelson is doing something. They are thinking outside of the box and taking risks, something those of us in ministry and those of us in business could stand a little more of. 

So I changed my blog badge, and now will submit my reviews to "Book Sneeze."   Get your hankies ready.


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