A Man's Heart - Fathers and Sons

This past weekend Gospel Light held it's annual Father and Son campout. This is a tradition dating back a dozen years or so, and this year was by far the largest group. It's one of the best and most anticipated weekends of the year. Even kids with no father's get to come - those men (and youth) with no sons of their own will "adopt" a son or three for the weekend. What's really special, though, is when the fathers who do not get to spend a lot of time with their sons in life get to bond with them. Just seeing the joy on the little one's faces, or a son snuggling in a father's arms, or an older son laughing with his father is worth all the time and effort.

Father and son is a special relationship in God's eyes. While a daughter may be the apple of a father's eye, a son represents something entirely different. A son is mean to carry on the work of the father, to continue the legacy. That being the case, us fathers need to really pour into our sons. The bond that a father and son share truly spans the generations. If we allow division and bitterness to take root in that relationship, it can have dire consequenses for the family.

John 3:16 say that " For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, so that whoever believed in him shall not die, but have eternal life." The meaning of this verse was clear - that the Father loved us so much, that he sent to us the one thing in all of creation that mean the most to Him - his Son. Therein we define the father-son relationship, one of utmost importance. This relationship is not born of blood as much as it is born of love. Paul had a father-son relationship with Timothy, which went beyond the simple mentor relationship. There was investment there. We fathers all need to invest in our sons.


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