Sunday Setlist - November 22

Here's this week's setlist from Gospel Light Community Church.


Rescue (Anderson)(D)

Main set:

One Way (Houston/Douglass)(B)
Freedom (Bushard)(B)
Your Grace is Enough (Maher)(G)
Higher/I Believe in You (Fieldes/Zschech)(C>G)
The Stand (Houston)(G)


Give to the Lord (Kenoly)(F)
Let it Rise (Davis)(E)

We had some real gremlins this morning at rehearsal - cables that cut out, amps that were turned down, batteries that failed, a bad ground hum...   It was a challenge just getting through the set.  We pushed through it, however, with help from our intrepid sound department. 

Daniel was down from college, and he brought his keyboard, so we had two keyboard players today.  It was great - Justin and Daniel had a great time switching off parts, and playing piano and strings/pads.   All of that left me to free up from playing so much melody and do some vamping. 

We played "Higher" for the first time in forever, it seems.  It tooks us awhile to get through it in rehearsal, but it was worth it in the end.  It's a great song, and was like an old friend to much of the congregation.  For the first time we did the medley with the chorus to "I Believe in You" like on the live album.  (Mighty to Save, I think.)  It worked out well, and we'll have to make it a regular part of how we do the song.   And, of course, The Stand is just one of our favorite worship songs.

So...  how was your worship Sunday?  Check out some others at Fred McKinnon's blog.


  1. Not sure I know "Higher" - I'm going to check it out! Thanks for posting!


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