Come and See

Ever wonder what would happen if you stopped talking to people and simply lived your life?

Would someone get to know you better if you spent an hour telling them about yourself, or if you invited them to live with you for a week? What do you think?

In John 1, we see the beginning of Jesus' public ministry. Does it begin with huge speech in front of thousands of people? OR with him gathering a crowd and telling them all about himself? Maybe he had some bios written up to hand out.

No. None of that. When he was first approached by two of John the Baptists disciples, and they asked him something about himself, he simply said "Come and see." (v39)

When Phillip approached his friend Nathanael and told him about Jesus being the Messiah, Nathanael was doubtful. He asked "Can anything good come out of Nazareth?" Phillip's answer? "Come and see." (v46)

Too often we spend our days trying to convince people of things, especially when we share Christ. But it is much more effective to just show them. People will be more affected by what they experience than what they hear. Our lives should be an open invitation to Christ, then.

If we truly reflect His light in our lives, then those around us cannot help but see it, and be affected by it. John recognized Jesus as the Lamb of God, because he saw the Spirit descend on him and remain on him. God will bring people to a place where they will see the Spirit on you and in you - you just have to let them.

So the next time someone questions you about your faith, why not say "Come and see?"

This summary is based on my sermon, "Come and See." You can listen to it here.


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