Sunday Setlist - January 4
Aah, the first service of the New Year! Unless you count our New Year's eve service, that is, which was well attended dispite bad weather. The pix today are from that service.
I wound up playing drums on "Revelation Song" for the opening, which was cool. It's been a couple of months since I've played, and that song has a lot of dynamics to play with. "Blessed Be..." and "You Are Good" have long been congregation favorites, so there was a lot of response there. "Ancient of Days" is an old-school favorite. We don't have the orchestra that Ron Kenoley tours with, so we rock it out a bit, but it's still one of the best "bass player" songs out there.
We had a good one today, though. The team has been in very high spirits, as we begin recording our first CD next week. Josh was preaching in our church plant Waterbury today, so Justin stepped up and did a great job leading. Here's the setlist:
Main Set:
Blessed Be Your Name (Redman)
You Are Good (Houghton)
Ancient of Days (Harvill/Sadler)
Holy is the Lord (Tomlin/Giglio)
Empty Me (Holy Fire) (Comer/Way)
Agnes Dei (Smith)
"Empty Me" we do in as un-Jeremy Camp style as you can imagine, basically as an acoustic driven ballad. "Agnus Dei" is acoustic as well (though I'd love to do a full-out Third Day version.) The three acoustic songs made a nice counterpoint to the last few weeks, which have been kind of "rocked out." (Next week will be an acoustic set - tune in to find out why.)
Check out other setlists at Fred McKinnon's blog.
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