As I've been writing, the Gospel Light worship team will be recording a worship CD, beginning this month. This is the culmination of over a year of work and planning.
We do not intend for this recording to be a "look at us" type of thing, but a true extension of the already existing worship ministry at
GLCC. We began recording demos early this year, and have floated a couple of copies out to people in the congregation and beyond. The response has been "When are you doing a real CD?" We keep getting asked, so we are going forward.
Since resources at Gospel Light are focused on existing ministries and our expansion project, this recording project will be almost entirely self-funded. The cost of the project includes studio time (including mix time), licenses for the music (*more later on this), the cost of the actual CDs and cases. To that end, we are offering the opportunity to pre-order the CD at a reduced cost.
You can be a part of this! By pre-ordering the CD, not only can you be a part of this ministry, but you can also get the CD before anyone else, and save 15% at the same time. We've already taken some pre-orders, so the project is under way. We are hoping to be able to begin the recording process itself this month, and have the CD shipped in January. If you are a blogger, you can also help by getting the word out and linking to this post.
Here's how it the pre-order will work: You can order one of two ways. You can either send a check to Gospel Light (address below) with a note indicating how many copies you need and to what address you want them shipped. Or, you can
send me an email with the same information. If you choose the email option, I will email you back a PayPal invoice that you can pay via PayPal or credit card. Either way, you will get a certificate indicating your contribution, and your CDs will be shipped as soon as they are ready. If for any reason the project gets derailed, we will refund everything. By the way, the pre-order price is $11.00, which will go up to $13.00 once the pre-sale has closed.
Simple, huh?
Here is some information on the CD:
It will be contain ten tracks. The songs we are planning on are:
- Tell the World
- One Way
- Say So
- He Reigns
- Your Love is Deep
- From the Inside Out
- Prepare the Way
- You Said
- Mighty to Save
- Draw Me Close to You
We might change one, but basically, that's the list. The album art above is not final, just a concept. You can listen to some samples in the Soundclick player below. Note that these are live recordings taken during Sunday services, not studio tracks, and as such do not nearly represent the quality of recording. I merely put them up so you can judge our musical style. Thanks in advance!
* Note: As I said above, all the music on this CD will be legally recorded. We are obtaining licenses from the publishers and will be paying royalties as required by law. I know this is a concern with many people as it is with me. No artists will be harmed in the making of this recording!
If sending a check or money order, please make it payable to Gospel Light Community Church, 222 Charles Street, Bridgeport, CT 06606.
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