Sunday Setlist - December 14
It was a special day today at GLCC. Not only was there our regualar monthly communion service, but we also commission Stephen Lopes as a deacon - the first time ever a deacon has been called out of the Youth Network. .jpg)
Our setlist this week:
He is Exalted. (Paris)
Main Set
Did You Hear the Mountains Tremble (Smith)
Let Everything that Has Breath (Gomez)
Finding Who We Are (Shamberger)
I Offer My Life (Cloniger/Moen)
I Stand in Awe (Altrogge)
Holy is My God and King (Randolph)
Righteousness, Peace and Joy (Barrington) - Offering
We did a lot of older songs this week (with the obvious exception of the Kutless tune) - kind of a giveback to our longer-standing members, I can remember when "Let Everything..." and "Righteousness..." were in heavy rotation. "Let Everything..." is a hard tune to sing. When I first started on worship team our lead singer was a young woman who is now a professional operatic soprano - so she used to sing to Heaven with this song. (for those of you unfamilar, this is not the song Jeremy Camp sings.)
"Righeousness, Peace and Joy" is one of my favorite songs - it just makes you want to smile when you sing it!
"Finding Who We Are" came out really good today. I played it with a fair amout of overdrive/distortion, but lower volume. I think the fill effect was nice. "I Offer My Life" really touched a lot of people - a lot of folks were really singing in the Spirit and crying out to God. Awesome!
Check out Fred McKinnon's blog to see what others are doing.
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