I'm writing again

I got the bug a couple of weeks ago.

I haven't felt like writing much, lately. The muses have been gone, I've been too busy, whatever. But a couple of weeks ago, I started listening to a song I had written last spring, and started hearing a new arrangement in it, a different groove, a different feel. I picked up my Number One and started diddling around with it.

This morning, I was reading a devotional that referred to Isaiah 6. Not not the "I see the Lord" part, but the "Woe is me, for I am of unclean lips." part. And the words just started tumbling out. Within ten minutes, I had a verse, half of another, a chorus, a beginning of a bridge.

I hope this is a good sign, a harbinger of change. Generally when I write, there's a big move afoot. Come Holy Spirit!


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