So, where are we on this whole Guglielmucci thing?

Fred McKinnon asked the question yesterday: Where are we, one week later?

Yesterday I posted that Michael Guglielmucci had given an interview to Australian news magazine todaytonight regarding his startling revelation that he was lying about his terminal cancer, that he had never been sick. This revelation put quite a tarnish on the wonderful song Healer, which was released by Planetshakers in 2007, and Hillsong this month.

Guglielmucci still maintains that he has had symptoms all his life. He has also revealed that he has had an addiction to pornography since he was twelve years old. He says he is not sure why he has had symptoms, but that he has never been diagnosed with any form of cancer.

I for one, find his story believable. An addiction to pornography goes beyond a mere lust of the flesh. It can absolutely be a spiritual bondage, and spiritual bondages can have physical manifestations. I find it entirely reasonable that he might have symptoms like he described as his spirit struggled against the attacks on him. This, by the way, is one reason that you should always keep your pastoral leadership under a covering of prayer. For Paul told us in Ephesians 6:12: "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual wickedness in the heavenly places."

So, where are we in all this? I was pleased to see in the Setlist Sunday that this blog participates in that there are people still doing Healer in worship services. In fact, we did it at Sunday night's revival meeting. There is no reason not to. After all, David was a fallen man, a murderer and an adulterer. We still sing psalms, as I recall, and no one is suggesting we don't. John Newton was a slave master, and a servant of a slave trader before his conversion, but no one is pulling Amazing Grace out of hymnals. Beethoven was possibly an atheist, and reportedly never set foot in a church as an adult, yet his liturgical music is still being played in churches around the world a hundred and eighty years after his death.

I daresay that none of us with the temerity to get up on an altar, stage or pulpit every Sunday is without flaw. Some of us write songs, others sermons, others books, some all three. Perhaps we are not the notorious sinner that Michael is now, but that notoriety will fade over time. As Fred (correctly) points out, none of us deserve anything other than hell and damnation. When I look at the news stories, I might say "There, but for the Grace of God, go I."

I am honored to see the way, at least, the worship community has rallied around our brother. With few exceptions, I've seen words of support. I hope everyone remembers this time for a while. I look forward to the day Michael testifies as to his delivery from his bondages. Until then, keep praying for him, and for your own leaders.


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