Revival in da House, Part Deux
I can hear that thunder in the distance
Like a train on the edge of the town
I can feel the brooding of your Spirit
"Lay your burden's down,
Lay your burdens down."
Revive us... with your fire!
Yesterday I started to write about the Back to School Revivals we had last week at Gospel Light. So today I want to continue on that thought process.
Saturday was an off day, as Pastor Elyano and some of the youth took Brian to Boston for the day. We took the opportunity of an off day to have a picnic for the worship team and families. It was a beautiful day over at Seaside Park - sunny, breezy, with warm water. We stayed there all day until about 6:30 or so, and then went out for dinner. It was my daughter Cailynn's seventh birthday, so we needed some ice cream to celebrate.
Sunday came, and was a beautiful day as well. The morning service was excellent. We had a special song by one of our youth, who sang the Hillsong version of Hosanna. Pastor Mac spoke on the topic of Stolen Treasures from an Unguarded Altar. I mean, wow! It was powerful. He kept going back to the idea of "getting up." But mainly, there was a realization that God has things laid up for us, treasures, plans, ministries, you name it. If we leave the altar unguarded, then the devil can rob us. As he walked us through the story of the seige of Jerusalem by the Babylonians, we came to realize that that was us he was talking about. Wow, what an altar call.
After service, we pastors had a small fellowship meal at the home of our evangelists, Hector and Jennie, who had been hosting our guest. The evening service was going to be the culmination of the week, and it would not disappoint.
The preaching was entitled Just Tell Me Like It's Mine. The text was Joshua 14, specifically where Joshua gives Caleb the land of Hebron, because of his faithfullness. Pastor spoke earnestly about the attitude of Joshua and Caleb when they forst crossed the Jordan, how they knew that Israel could take the land. Forty-five years later, Caleb asked Joshua to fulfill the promise Moses had made, and Joshua did.
We've been made promises, specifically the promise of the gift of the Holy Spirit. Also for healings. When the alter call came, the people were divided into those who sought healings, and those who sought the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Prayers flowed, tongues flowed, people were healed. It was amazing!
I can't believe it's over. But the spirit of revival lingers on. We have an outreach next week at Seaside Park. We have encounters coming up, and our fall outreaches. God has revived us with His fire, and we are ready to go into the fields once more.
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